Murder in the Arrest
Interactive film for youngsters at Øhavsmuseet
“Murder in the Arrest” is an interactive murder mystery, that is built up as a digital role play, where the user interacts with filmed actors. The plot takes place at the Faaborg Arrest, where a foul murder has taken place in 1945. The visitors at the present days museum at Faaborg Arrest, are handed an iPad with the application, and step into the role as an investigation team who’s task is to interrogate  suspects, find traces, and finally guess at the murderer. The iPad’s camera is used for exploration, which takes place in the authentic jail with 3 storeys. No Parking was responsible in creation of the screenplay, direction, shooting with actors, graphics and programming of an advanced application.
Film production with room for improvisation
In production of the script, a comprehensive character bible has been developed, enabling both actors and the development team to get into the character’s stories, their backgrounds, and motives. For the actors this contributed to participation in creation of character, and planning exactly which themes and conflicts would be included in the multidimensional story. Numerous film clips reflect the users investigation, organized to create the imprssion that actions have consequences. To create a credible experience no actual lines were written for the actors, instead we let them improvise from remarks and questions, which at the same time reflected the investigations that the user was conducting in the game.
Augmented Reality Engine
In programming the application No Parking has used an advanced  “image recognition engine”, which has been developed for Augmented Reality. This means that the iPad camera can recognize traces and images, which are placed around in the jail location. When the user points the iPad at one of the traces, a corresponding video is played, at the same time taking the users previous actions into account. The user gets an experience of having to move around, search for traces, and compare results from the interrogations. The results are stored on the iPad as notes. A location map shows where you have been, and who you have spoken to. Finally the user has to guess who is guilty.Other possibilities with the technology
The technique of using the iPad’s camera to create location based storytelling, can be used for many purposes. For example it is possible to make an “intelligent Museum guide”, that apart from playing the corresponding audio or video clip, also shows where you have been in an exhibition. Or it is possible to create a treasure hunt, where you have to find a certain item. The method can also be used  to activate physical effects in an exhibition – for example lighting or mechanical effects.