360 degrees in Venice
Installation for Louisiana at the Venice Biennale
Project background
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art is known for its international art- and architectural exhibitions. With the exhibit “New Nordic” they wanted to show the trends in Nordic architecture – a central part of it being an exhibit of architect Jan Gehl’s famous theories about human inhabitants. No Parking was contacted by curator Kjeld Kjeldsen, who wanted us for a sensual video installation that would reflect Jan Gehl’s theories. The idea was to create projections that surrounded the audience, and set them in center of the experience. No Parking had the needed experience from several projects with projection on curved screens. But the technical challenge also called for video recording in 360 degrees. Luckily, we had created a method for video production in 180 degrees for a previous project. With this project, we so to speak, rounded of the circle with a full 360 degree experience.
Development of the format
At the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, there was exhibition space for an installation with a diameter of approx. 10 meters – but from the beginning the museum had thoughts to bring the installation into the international arena. It was therefore decided both to create a fixed installation in the museum, and a larger mobile installation with a diameter of 12 meters for external purposes. No Parking went into development, and built up a model with a 3D-program, in order to make the needed calculations, and get an idea about how the installation would look. After approval of the virtual model, we rented a large warehouse and setup the installation in 1:1 scale. In this way we could gain the necessary practical experience, and preview visuals in a realistic context.
360 degree film production
Louisiana wanted a sensual experience where the audience could turn around and explore the visual surroundings. To comply with this request, No Parking developed a technique for film production in 360 degrees. By placing several compact high resolution synchronized video cameras facing out from a circle, we achieved the extensive amount of video material necessary. The result is an imagery where the audience feels they are in the middle of a living picture.
The Biennale in Venice
Every second year Venice is host for an international Architecture Biennale. Louisiana had previously participated with an individual pavilion, and wanted to do the same for this spectacular installation. The mobile installation, with a diameter of 12 meters, was therefore sent to Venice to participate in the Bienalle. No Parking attended with 3 persons to coordinate and setup the installation. After the opening, we handed over to a local technician, who was instructed in servicing the installation, to secure stable operation for 3 months.